Linda Newman, Commander, American Legion Post 163
The American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans organization, is inviting all members of Modoc County to join them in sponsoring young men and women to attend The American Legion’s Boys and Girls State this summer in Sacramento, California.
“These young men and women are the future leaders of America,” said Linda Newman, commander of Clifford Harter Post 163. “We are seeking students with outstanding qualifications in character and leadership to attend one of the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction ever designed for high school students.”
High school juniors are selected in early spring by local American Legion posts to attend the program, which will be held at California State University, Sacramento from June 21 st through June 27th. “It is a participatory program where each young man and young woman becomes a part of the operation of their local, county and state government,” said Newman. In most cases, a sponsoring American Legion post, a local business or another community-based organization pays expenses associated with attending this program. If you are an individual, business or organization that wants to help with the funding of sending a young person from our community, please contact Commander Newman.
“I encourage the entire community – and in particular high school counselors, community leaders and business owners – to submit their recommendations for candidates to attend The American Legion Boys and Girls State program,” said Newman. “Last year we sent Collin Gardner now a Senior at Modoc High School. He said he thoroughly enjoyed his time there, and he recommends others attend if they can.”
The training at The American Legion Boys and Girls State is objective and practical with city, county and state governments operated by the students elected to the various offices. Activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, chorus and recreational programs.
American Legion Boys State is currently conducted in 49 Departments of The American Legion; however, only California’s program is co-ed and allows participation by Girls. Hawaii does not conduct a program. As separate corporations, each State’s Boys State programs vary in content and method of procedure, but each and every Boys State adheres to the basic concept of the program – that of teaching government from the township to the state level.
”The American Legion’s Boys and Girls State program in California is a unique way for young people to learn about the American system of government by taking part in a mock governmental system,” said Newman.
For more information on The American Legion’s Boys and Girls State program, contact Linda Newman 530-708-2478 or by email at