January 22, 2025
Modoc, US 35 F
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Modoc NF Scoping Notice for Hollenbeck Fuels Reduction Project

Press Release Provided by Modoc National Forest

The Modoc National Forest, in partnership with the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Stewardship West, is proposing the Hollenbeck Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project.  The project is being planned for 1,666 acres near Hollenbeck Flat, approximately 23 miles west of Canby, an area bounded by the BNSF railroad, Mud Springs Road (42N56), Hollenbeck Road (42N04), and private timberlands.  The purpose is to reduce hazardous fuels and diminish wildfire risk; safeguard property, human life, and improve firefighter safety; and improve forest health and wildlife habitat.  Proposed activities to accomplish these goals include a range of standard fuel reduction techniques such as mastication of understory brush, tree thinning, and prescribed fire.  A 1,000-foot wide fuel break would be constructed along linear features in the project area.  The project is being planned to comply with NEPA exclusion categories 36 CFR 220.6(e)(6) and 16 USC 6592b.

If you are an American citizen affected by or interested in this project, the Modoc National Forest invites your participation in its development through a process called “scoping.” Please visit the project webpage (see below) for further details, including information about how you can offer information and comments.  Alternatively, you may contact the Acting Forest Environmental Coordinator/NEPA Planner for the Modoc National Forest, (530) 299-3215, for more information.  We request that you turn in scoping comments within 1 month from the publication of this scoping notice in the Modoc County Record. Project webpage: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=66786

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