February 22, 2025
Modoc, US 31 F
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It is not so happy

I have been made aware of our mistake on our last header that stated “Happy Memorial Day,” I did not think twice of it at the heat of the moment of getting the paper built. The header of the paper did not come to my utmost importance when orchestrating it and I am embarrassed of how it came across. I thought to myself, “Land of the free, because of the brave,” think patriotism, think how fortunate we are to be able to willingly if we so choose to speak English to one another. In my head I wanted everyone to have a beautiful Memorial Day but many were hurt by what it said. I acknowledge that many do not know me and I appreciate those who speak kindly to let me know how things come across. Having my patriotism be questioned is not something that is light on my heart. Please accept my apology in our header from last week. I am very sorry for the sorrow this has caused to those who take Memorial Day to grieve the soldiers they have lost. I know from personal experience how much of a toll it can take on a wife, husband, daughter, son, mother, father, grandparent, friend, cousin, fellow soldiers who served together, and everyone in their community that has watched that soldier grow. I hope many who lost their loved one when deployed can find solace in that they would want us to honor them by living. Living for them each and everyday, making memories, loving on their loved ones, remembering them and sharing how they made others feel. Their unwavering bravery and their love for our country is to be admired every single day.

I couldn’t be more grateful for our soldiers who risked their lives for my life and my family’s future and if I could embrace with everyone who has lost a soldier, I would. 

Associate Publisher

Chelsea Bacon

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