March 3, 2025
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Letters to the Editor

Rebuttal to Olsens letter from April 25.

I read Mr. Terry Olsen’s amusingly hyper-misinformed response to my letter published in the Record on April 19th in which he cites the errant conclusions of agencies and entities who have bought into the “climate change” hysteria. Notice that I put “climate change” in quotation marks because climate is the essence of change, and as such it has always changed and always will. There’s no such thing as steady state climate, no such thing as climate homeostasis. To say “climate change” is to utter the most ignorant redundancy there is. It’s akin to saying “change change” which is nonsensical. 

Perhaps Mr. Olsen is unaware of paleo climate history? There were at least a half-dozen times over the past few hundred million years when CO2 concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere exceeded 2,500 ppm, even soaring to over 7,000 ppm yet life thrived in great diversity. Today CO2 concentrations are around 410 ppm. 

Preeminent climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT has thoroughly and unequivocally debunked the AGW (anthropogenic global warming) myth with real and unbiased science, unlike the super-partisan propaganda being promulgated by the IPCC, the lapdog of the globalist elites. But not only Dr. Lindzen but my personal friend Peter Taylor, England’s preeminent climate scientist, proved in 2009 with his major treatise titled “Chill: A Reassessment of Global Warming Theory” that AGW is a complete myth. 

What all the inane computer models fail to include are the erratic natural variables that are the actual drivers of climate, factors like the major oceanic cycles (PDO, ENSO, AMOC, and others), the jet stream, and cyclical solar phases that synergize with the precession of the equinoxes. Certainly Mr. Olsen is up to speed on all of this, right, or is he just aping the propaganda? 

Besides my close friendship with Peter Taylor I have contacts with climate scientists at NASA, CU Boulder, Naval Post-Grad School, and NOAA, and out of fear of reprisal they don’t speak out about what a fraud the AGW scam is. AGW is the new religion, and whoa be it to anyone who dares challenge it. The AGW hysterics will vilify, marginalize, dismiss, and burn the heretics at the stake!

As to that laughable 97% of “scientists” polled regarding AGW,  only 11,000 individuals were queried out of over 1.4-million real climate scientists in the world, and of those 11,000 most of them were not climate scientists but rather psychologists, sociologists, economists, biologists, and so on. Less than 100 of those 11,000 actually are in scientific disciplines like physics and chemistry that sometimes study climate dynamics. So, to Mr. Olsen I say he needs to stop using that bogus 97% claim if he hopes to actually sound marginally educated regarding the study of climate dynamics. 

I will debate Mr. Olsen in a public setting any time. The gauntlet is now at his feet. 

May I suggest that Mr. Olsen google the riff on climate insanity that the late, great George Carlin did in a stand-up routine not long before his death. Carlin nailed it. The hubris of the eco-kooks who think that we humans have the power to destroy or save the Earth. We possess no such power, but Mama Nature sure does and she’s coming to collect. 

Jeff Middlebrook

Lookout, Modoc County

Dear Editor,

Welcome aboard! We hope you have much success continuing with The Modoc Record. Its value to locals in and around Modoc, along with those of us who live far away, is precious to staying in touch with life, friends, and family in Modoc. We have been gone for over 30 years and have appreciated the weekly highlights that come out online. Rick and Janie provided a brief summary of the news along with names in the obituary each week. Very helpful for those of us who don’t receive the Thursday paper until early to mid-week following publication. It was always a highlight on Thursdays just to see a snippet of what was coming in the mail, or who had passed that we had known for years.

It is my hope that you may continue with that practice. We do wish you every success as you continue on your new “adventure” as publishers of The Modoc Record. You’ve received a piece of history that reaches far and wide and we appreciate the good work of you and your team at The Record.

Warm regards,

Denise Pennell

Looking Back

113 Years Ago* – 1911

COL. THOMPSON came down from a week-long fishing trip to Blue Lake and had several gunny sacks filled with trout up to six pounds. . . Potatoes are in short supply and those that are available sell for an unheard of high price of five cents per pound. . . Common lumber is selling at the Adin Creek Lumber Co. for $17 per thousand. . . A complete new water system for the city of Alturas is being advertised for bids this week.

88 Years Ago – 1936

WALKKER-HOVEY mill in Canby is under construction and six miles of new railroad track into the forest southeast of that place were finished last week. . . The Winter Garden Ball Rom has been purchased by J. E. Niles and he has announced that he plans to build a new theater at the site. Plans also call to turn the present Alhambra Theatre into a public dance hall when the Niles Theatre is completed. . . Several Alturas music students toured Klamath Falls this past weekend and were treated to the rare privilege of singing over radio station KFJI in the Willard Hotel.

63 Years Ago – 1961

ABOB SWANGO is spearheading a drive to construct a multi-purpose baseball park near the Alturas swimming pool. . . Dr. E.F. Auble led a caravan of Cal-Ore boosters to Bend, OR to promote traffic over Highway 97 to Alturas. . . Hippy Burmister has been named president of the Alturas Lions. . . Temperatures were in the 80’s in Alturas all week. . . Weber Brothers will host the annual Cattlemen’s Field Day. . . Public shooting areas have been arranged for the first time on the Modoc Refuge, according to Paul Steele, newly appointed manager.

53 Years Ago – 1971

THE TOTAL tax levy in Modoc means $332.30 for each person. And schools in Modoc continue to take more than half of the property tax dollar, 52 cents and the city 10 cents.. . Residents of Newell will carry a crusade to disunify the Modoc-Tulelake Unified

School District to Sacramento today where a decision will be made by the State Board of Education on whether or not the district should be allowed to vote on the matter. . .

After May 16 it will cost eight cents to mail a first-class letter.

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