June 29, 2024
Modoc, US 51 F
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Valley Fire in Jess Valley Contained to 536 Acres Thanks to Firefighters’ Efforts and Rain, 70% Containment Achieved

A wildfire burning in the Jess Valley area of the South Warner Mountains, named the Valley Fire, has been mapped at 536 acres as of Wednesday evening, according to the Modoc National Forest Service (USFS).

Crews tirelessly managed to keep contaminants lines at bay and remained on scene all weekend long. Thankfully, Saturday night we received rain, leading firefighters to be able to keep the containment of the fire within their lines. 

We are so thankful for our Firefighters rapid response and timely effort in being able to prevent the Valley Fire from spreading further.

As of Saturday March 25th, the fire was at least 70 percent contained.

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